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  I hope that you can hang around for a few as I do tend to get a bit wordy!


   Hello! My name is Lonza J. Farkas, I was born January 09, 1962, I attended school in New Brockton, Alabama, USA, and I graduated from high school in the year of 1980. During my senior year, I was one of the two co-editors of our yearbook. I can proudly say that, for the first time in many years, that yearbook reflected the entire student body, not just the select, popular few. I was also one of the ORIGINAL members of the New Brockton High School Marching Band. Being without a band at the time, a number of my classmates and I were among the small group of students that got a band to its feet in the mid- to late- 70's. I understand that those who followed in our footsteps have kept up the proud tradition.

   I've been married to the same wonderful man since June 20, 1982, and I've spent the past 36 years in Coffee Springs, Alabama, being the ordinary little housewife. Though I haven’t any children, I did have a beagle-mix dog, Bogart, that I spoiled like he was my child and he was/still is. However, we lost him on Thursday, March 03, 2005, when he was just one month away from celebrating what would have been his 16th birthday. (Please be sure to see the page of this site that I’ve lovingly dedicated to him.)

   In the month following, I was so devastated, so utterly lost without my Bogart, my child, that I couldn’t function. More than once, my husband James found me sitting in front of this computer, staring misty-eyed at the wallpaper which was/is a picture of Bogart, my arms wrapped around myself, just totally out of it. I had to do something.

   So, early Saturday morning, April 02, 2005, I got into my car and I drove to the Greater Birmingham Humane Society in Birmingham, Alabama, and there I found Jolson, a 3-month-old rat terrier. (Jolson’s picture is at the top of this page beside the picture of the baby hedgehog.) When a young internet contact of mine asked me if I was "replacing" Bogart, I told her, "No, I could never replace Bogart. I'm not trying to replace him; I'm just trying to fill the space he left behind." And that’s precisely what Jolson’s done for this severe depressive; he’s filled the space in my life, the space at my side that was so faithfully and lovingly filled by Bogart for over 15 years.

   Saturday evening, June 09, 2007, a neighbor of our's brought to us an adorable little kitten that I estimated to be about 8 weeks old at the time. She found the kitten wandering around in some bushes in her yard. Just as Jolson is named after the late, great Al Jolson of the early screen, I named the kitten "Allie", after one and the same. She's grown a lot since the picture of her was taken and has become a perfect little playmate for Jolson. (See the picture to the right of this paragraph.) Incidentally, the little nub of a tail that you see in the picture was all this little darling was born with, which just makes her all the more adorable.

   In early November, 2007, I began to volunteer some of my time to an animal shelter in Enterprise, Alabama, and there I came to meet Skippy, a male tabby of approximately one year of age. So hungry for love that he'd give me kisses, it's no wonder that I soon fell in love with the little guy! On Wednesday, January 30, 2008, I adopted him and brought him home to meet his new, "very own" family. Keeping my custom of naming our animals after late, greats of the early screen, I changed his name slightly to "Skipper", naming him after the character in the old TV series "Gilligan's Island". He has since fit into our family perfectly. You can see a picture of him to the upper right of this paragraph.  

   I've written a couple of short stories about different things that have happened since I came to the internet and that I have shared with e-mail contacts of mine. (If you would like to read these stories, just click on the links at the upper right corner of this page.) I am also in the process of compiling a collection of short stories about the misadventures of my family, The Johnson Clan. With a little luck, I just might finish the darned thing eventually!


   The picture to the upper right of this paragraph is of my husband, James. The picture to the lower right of this paragraph is of "Girly", a squirrel that became a special friend of my husband's. When James left a paper bag full of pecans on our back porch and it was rained on, the bag tore and the pecans spilled out only for this little lady to find them. Soon, we began to notice pecan hulls scattered on the porch and he came to realize that Girly was responsible. With a "grocery store" nearby, she had decided to take up residence in a pecan tree located just a few feet from our back porch. (You can see a picture of this tree if you look at the photograph of James. The tree in question can be seen behind James and to the far right of the picture.)

   By the way, it happened that the very same pecan tree had been the former residence of a family of wood ducks during the first year or so that James and I lived on the land that we now call home. I will never forget his reaction when, after he told me about the ducks, I refused to agree to his cutting the tree down.

   At the time, it appeared as though the tree was dying and I remember James saying something like, "If that tree should fall onto our cars, fine and dandy, but Heaven forbid we disturb those birds!" I can also well remember the huge smile on his face as he told me about seeing the mother duck and her babies, lined up single file, crossing the road as they began their journey towards the wonders of the life that lay ahead of them.


   Well, here’s what the old bat behind the mindless meanderings at sites looks like. For best results, I recommend that you print out this picture, tack it to the wall and aim for right between the eyes! (Aim a bit low, though. I’m the sum total of 4'8".)


   "Hey?! Where do you think you're going? There's more to come on the next page!"


   "What ya lookin' at, perv?"







   "Hey, bro's! S'up?"












   Skipper and Allie


   "Sure beats plates!"


   "No more! I'm stuffed!"

Including this page and the guest book, there are a total of 11 pages to this website. The links to all of them are in the top right corner of each page.