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Special Websites

   A website I'd like to share with you, one which is of special importance to me, is that of the Shriners Hospital for Children. I was a patient of their's many years ago, as was my sister before me, and I know first hand of the extraordinary work they do free of charge to the patients and their families.



   Another organization that also offers assistance to children in need and that shares in prestige is the Children's Hospital which my niece was a patient of. Below is a link for that site.



   So, if you or someone you know might be in need of the expert help of the medical teams at the Shriners Hospital for Children or The Children's Hospital, then click on the links above for information. If you are interested in making a donation towards ensuring that they are able to continue offering free miracles to children and would like information on how to do so, you will find what you need to know about that at the above websites as well.


   Since the 18th century, the Salvation Army has done many wonderful things for those in need and has played a very important role in keeping the Christmas spirit alive. To read about how they are "Doing The Most Good", click on the link following this paragraph. ... In what I estimate to have been the year of 2009, I began ringing the bell for the Salvation Army. When I was told that I had raised a lot of money doing so, I wondered how I might increase those donations and further bring Christmas cheer to others. I had an idea: An ELF suit! ... Below the link for the Salvation Army, you will see a picture of "Elf Lonza" standing beside her "boss" Santa.



   Another group of beings that find themselves in need are the homeless animals of the world. What I like about North Shore Animal League America is that each and every animal they take in is guaranteed a home there until the day they are adopted arrives. No matter how long it takes for them to find homes for their furry little boarders, NSAL America does not destroy the animals that are fortunate enough to find themselves in their loving hands. So, if you are interested in adopting a friend for life or if you wish to make donations to NSAL America, please go to this website.



     Following this page, I've included two of my short stories as well as a page each on the 09-11-01 incident and patriotism. I hope you enjoy them. ... Thank you for visiting my website. Be good to yourself and remember, if you ever need a friend, you already have one in me. ... Before you go, please sign my guest book and pay special attention to what the "big guy" at the top of the page says. ;-)


"If I have to read another word, I'll PUKE!"