Hello! | Feeling "Safe" | Newcomers | Bogart | Internet Pets | Special Websites | "Magnolia Blossom and Night Stalker" | "Me and My Computer" | 09-11-01 | Patriotism | Be My Guest
Be My Guest


"Please be a nice little surfer and read the following,
be sure to sign the guest book and don't forget to close the window behind you on your way out!"

   Because I wanted a guest book that is free of advertisements and pop-ups without paying more, I will have to post the entries myself. Therefore, please feel free to e-mail me using the link that follows with any comments that you might have. Just click on the link below or, if that doesn't work, then copy and paste the e-mail address into a blank e-mail.


   After you've e-mailed me, I promise to do my best to post your comments into this guest book as quickly as possible and then notify you via return e-mail that your comment has been posted, including the URL to this page with my response. All of the responses will be posted below in the order that they come in to my box.

   Please bear in mind that, while I do want to hear from you, the address above is only for guest book entries and not for other types of e-mail. I make this request not to be rude but so as to reserve space in this e-mail account for the correspondence of others who might visit this site and wish to sign the guest book too. Your cooperation in this matter will be greatly appreciated.

   NOTEYou can rest assured that this will NOT result in my sending you a lot of "forwards", etc. For one thing, I very rarely send out forwards of any kind. For another, I respect your privacy and I only e-mail those who submit entries into my guest book ONE time, just to let them know their entries have been posted. After that, I don't even retain the addresses. Moreover, if personal information shows up on your e-mail, such as your real name, etc., I will NOT give that information out to ANYone. Nor will I post it anywhere on my site. I do not and will not do that for ANY reason. (I will not do so even if, for whatever reason, you ask me to. Sorry.) I might give my full name on this internet, but not anyone else's and, of that, you can be certain.

   Again, thank you for visiting my website. Take care!

Lonza J. Farkas


Lonza's Guests

01.  Alan - Monday, January 05, 2004

Lonza, Great site! The bunny is so cute! Love ya Alan


02.  Kyle - Tuesday, January 06, 2004

hey this kyle ur buddy from msn i like ur page alot and i hope u,bogart ,ur husband,and all ur lil furry frinds *LOL* have a good night and tha rest of tha days


03.  Milind - Tuesday, January 06, 2004

Hi! Lonza,
I really liked the website that you have made. you gotta teach me how you did that wonderfull peice of work. I am really impressed.
With lots of Love


04.  Carla - Thursday, January 08, 2004

I love your page, especially the pics of all the animals!
ta ta!


05.  Pebbles - Thursday, January 08, 2004

Great Page Lonza.. Everything you have said to the Newcomers.. is very true.. Maybe they will take that to the heart =). Anyways, Just wanted to stop in and say a great page.. =)



06.  Diane - Friday, January 09, 2004

Hello Girlie:
Very interesting site...you have lots of good information for new peeps....I love your collection of critters....Best ever Singing "Happy Birthday to you......Happy Birthday to you...and the best year ever


07.  Outlaw - Friday, January 09, 2004

Looks like you spent a lot of time on this page Lonza.
Everythings really cute with the exception of that
ugly dog. LOL Not yours, the wrinkley one!!


08.  Charlie - Friday, January 09, 2004



09.  LaVern - Friday, January 09, 2004

Nice Page!


10.  Morris - January 10, 2004

Hi Lonza, This is Morris from www.games.com and ur msn, i think ur page looks for nice especially those animals u have, i enjoyed reading ur short stories too....anywayz i wish you and your family a happy new year!!


11.  Heather - Sunday, January 11, 2004

Hey Lonza sup? It has nice chattin with you all these years.You are a very nice and cool person. Talk to you later. OBTW Cool Page.


12.  DEADorALIVE - Sunday, January 11, 2004

Hey Lonza...very cool site! Enjoyed it once I got it to work for me.*L*


13.  Stephane - Sunday, January 18, 2004

You are a special person to me and i enjoy chating with you, always the good talking.
Thanks mom.


14.  Sparky - Tuesday, January 20, 2004

Enjoyed your site keep up the good work


15.  Donna - Friday, January 23, 2004

well here goes lonza..well i wanna say what a great friend you are to me.always there to hear my problems and talk them out with me.you have talk with me when i was way down and scared to death..LOL anyways i want you to know i love you a lot.
             your bestest friend donna


16.  Bridget - Sunday, January 25, 2004

Love the site. You are a true stirrer and legend!
Best wishes from Tony Soprano ;-)


17.  Fraz - Monday, January 26, 2004

hi loz

i think ur webbie is g8 i love the colours and the cat fotos epecially the one with the kitten with its arms apart and the caption saying the fickin mouse was this big i tell ya!!


18.  Kristy - Thursday, February 05, 2004

HI lonza       i am kristy the girl u met in monopoly last night and the one who we added names on yahoo i loved ur page ur website! it was so  cute al the animales and all loved ur short stories to i am impressed i would like to do the same thing i could wrie a thousand pages on mylife and the people in my life past and preasent tell bogart hi he is soooooo!i look forwardin talking to ya again soon and it was great meeting u have a great day
  from  NC


19.  Rob - Sunday, February 15, 2004

    I really like your interesting selection of pics and your humor in your quotes and comments.  I didn't get to see the whole site but what I saw was very creative and thoughtful.  I enjoyed it a lot.  I think my favorite pic is the Hedgehog on the first page!
--The "Gruffinator" (aka gruffy_guy) or Rob.
Shoot for the moon. If you miss, thats okay, just remember to grab a star on the way down.


20.  Emma - Sunday, February 15, 2004

Hi Lonza, it's Emma I didn't realise you actually produced this site by yourself. It's very impressive, and some pictures are so cute especially the cats.
I intend to make my  own website as your work has inspired me. Thank you for being there and speaking to me when I was lonely, I feel much better now.
Love emma xx


21.  Tricia - Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Hey Lonza... Love your page I know you spent alot of time on it, or it looks that way! Thankx for always being a good friend! I love ya


22.  Brandi - Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Hey mom! Sorry it's taken me so long to do this but I just wanted u to know that you're a wonderful person and you've made a big impact on my life... I love you Brandi


23.  Jay - Sunday, May 02, 2004

Hey Lonza,
  We have been friends for awhile and I didn't know about this new site. I
hope that we can remain friends. Thank you for everything you have done for
me. I'll talk to you soon!

Love, Jay


24.  Dawn - Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Hi Lonza, just finished playing a game with you..thanks.. you are a good sport.. and I loved reading and looking at your web page.. Bogart is a cutie...


25.  Steven - Wednesday, August 18, 2004

    Frist I have to say are all those ur pets I know the two polarbears are not but the others. So now I know you like pets and if meet and u were born around the sametime I would really marry but you my mothers age. If t Lonzas huddy see this she was not try to talk with me i was trying to talk to her. my real name is steven snice i now know ur.


26.  Gina - Friday, November 12, 2004

Hi lonza, just wanted to say that I really enjoyed your pages and have now saved them to my favorites where I can keep up with your news and chatter!! lol Keep up the great work!!


27. Moses - Friday, December 03, 2004

Lol, i even stopped playing gin to read your short stories. Get working on that book girl, i can't wait !!!!!!  Great site....


28.  Gwen - Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Well Cuz I am very impressed.  You have done a really good job with your web site. Now instead of writing in a web site put you thoughts and ideas  on paper whether in a children's book or an adult book. MAKE SOME MONEY WITH WHAT YOU LIKE TO DO!  
Your Cousin


29.  Kathy - Thursday, February 03, 2005

Great site Lonza. Love all the pics and your stories.
(AKA FlippyChic)


30.  Kevin - Sunday, June 12, 2005

Hey Lonza,

We meet again in this wonderful world called "The Internet." It's such an awesome place. You have everything you could ever want, ehh, except true satisfaction. =-). You can never get that over the internet, atleast that is my opinion. Anyways, I enjoyed your website, but there is one thing I'm disappointed in. You assured me there would be no porn on your website, but the first thing I seen when it loaded up fully was a naked little hedgehog calling me the perv =P whereas I did not take th picture nor did I intend to look at him in that way =(. *LoL*. Well I guess I will let you go once again, and may Bogart rest in peace.


Kevin J.

P.S.: Keep those Maxine comics coming. I enjoy looking and reading them. They are quite interesting, as are you =).


       31.  Dana - Thursday, August 11, 2005

Ant Lonie,
Hey ~ can I have a drink of you tea?  Ha! Ha!  Yeah, dispite my failing mental state (LOL) I still gotta sense of humor.  I love your page.  I totally agree with the Patriotism Page~ the media completely misleads the public. The Iraq I spent a year in is totally different than the one I see on CNN.  But I spent my entire time over there supporting my President. I signed up for the right reasons - not money and such. I did it out of a sense of obligation to give back to my Country.  I did it knowing what could happen and went when I was called.  But remember not everyone is blessed enough to come from a family with people in it like your father and my father. They don't understand that we come from a family full of Patriots that SERVE PROUDLY. You and I are blessed in that respect.
Hugs & Smiles,
SGT Dana Cox


       32.  Dianne - Sunday, March 12, 2006

Mornen Yall was very nice reading & loved all the poctures. You should write a book.    love ya hun later.


       33.  Tara - Saturday, March 18, 2006

Nice website.


          34.  Iain - Friday, June 02, 2006

Just been into your site Lonza, why do you think you are wordy!! lol.

Loved the kitten & mouse photo n' caption and I still think Man from Mars although not here has great potential.

Me and my computer, well I am glad of the gun restrictions in the UK or I would have shot mine a long time ago. I've now resorted to giving it a cuff around the ear on occasions.

Patriotism........well.............The same problem exists on this side of the atlantic, lots of people who forget / do not know what others have done for us. I find myself somewhat an island here with my views but somebody has to stand up and be counted. So many here forget that we were the first ones to do so 67 years ago now. These people were regarded as heros while their modern day counter parts are now despised and regarded as criminals.

On armistice day in the UK, the finale are the simple words "Lest we forget", it would appear that some, but thankfully not all, have.

The site is great Lonza, and the newcomers advice is spot on, just what was discussed at a meeting I was at last night.

Take care



35.  Melody - Monday, June 19, 2006

I have purused your web site in its entirety - what a pleasant journey it was. I enjoyed all of the pictures of the animals! I cried when I read the story of Bogart - I too have lost two pets that I expect to met me at Heaven's gates! I shared your pain at the lost of your "best friend"! Your writing is quite easy to read and we share many of the same ideals! I especially agree with your anger (?) at other Americans who elect a President of this great country and then turn on him at the first moment of conflict - whether that conflict is with Congress, the CIA, the FBI, the Military or the American people themselves! Thank you for sharing your life with us Lonza - I am richer for it!



"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle."


36.  Don & Kathy - Saturday, July 01, 2006

Lonza my sweet little sister, with all my love Kathy...This are some pictures I like sis....hope you do also! The three cats are Don & Kathy's I Love your web-site sis and all the pictures you have put in it.

Love you

Don & Kathy


37.  Ovallite - Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Hey, we met in pogo pool & had a blast playing and actually CHATTING~ that's rare in pogo land. We shared our love for animals & we shared a story about our hearts. We both lost a child recently. My husband of 30 yrs & I lost Midnite Star Shadow, aka: Shady Belle, our beloved angel cocker spaniel & a member of our family for 5 years & you & your husband lost your beloved dog of almost 16 yrs, Bogart. I read your page about Bogart & just cried. It brought so many memories of Shady to mind, I could hardly bear it. We are kindred spirits & I thank-you for sharing. ovallite


       38.  Deanna - Saturday, October 28, 2006

hi i am petloverp3p i played pool with you tonight. i love your site.i hope to play you again soon think you


       39.  Harley - Sunday, October 29, 2006

Lonza ,  Hey sweet lady, I never kner that you were so talented, you have a "gift" Lonza, I am so glad to know you and i love your writing skills, and your passion for life.


       40.  Vinzent - Sunday, November 12, 2006

Hi,we play a pool sunday.i was on your site.
Here some pics from my Dog Mr.Bronco and his Friends from Switzerland. (Dogsitting)
Wish you all the Best


       41.  Jeffrey - Monday, November 20, 2006

Lonza you have a great site love the pics and hope to find the pics of max stripes and harry as well as the shop mascott lou the superbeagle anyway love the two cats together and look forward to a game of pool jeff indnsknny in the pool room thanks


       42.  funnyvalentine - Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Hey, Lonza!  I read every word!  It is a great site and it's nice to meet another person who loves animals as much as I do.  Love the writing and love the pics.  Have to tell you, your writing on "Patriotism" is right on.  I hope you will start submitting your writing to some publications.  You've got talent!  You go, girl!
Love, funnyvalentine :)


       43.  Dawn - Friday, December 22, 2006

Cute site and I loved the animal pics. I saved some to my computer. And I'm a big Garfield fan myself, but I never tried to download or save a comic, probably so I wouldnt have to shoot my computer I guess!



       44.  Jeff - Friday, April 13, 2007

Love the pictures on your page

I will have to get another e mail from you and send
you pictures of mine
Jeff aka awoodcarver and cawoodcarver


       45.  Gabriela_GT - Friday, May 11, 2007

Hi Lonza:
I'm Gabriela_GT from pachisi, I enjoy a lot talking about tv programs and polityc's, so I get into your profile (and added u to my friends list, if u don't mind) and I watch u're page (...mmmmm...sorry... u're wbsite I think...lol, do u remember that?) and let me tell u something..... I love it; I only read the index page and u have for sure that I'll follow the Johnson Clan stories at the end, u're a great writer, and the way that u show u're life, u're fellings, u're pictures, etc. it's fabulous.
Considerate me as u're fan #............ and I'm proud to be another nice little surfer.
Sorry if my redaction is not the best, but never forget that I'm a Mexican girl and my english is not in the best condition lol.
Take care.


       46.  Butch - Sunday, August 19, 2007

Great website, I told you that I would take a look.


       47.  Vicki - Friday, November 09, 2007 -

Hi Lonza,
              It is Friday and I got up very early due to a headache .   I thought I would grab a quick game of double cross and there you were As I enjoy reading the profiles I saw your web site listed and thought I would check it out Well I just want to say thank you I thourally enjoyed reading parts of it and will read it all as I have time I just wanted to let you know hnow much I enjoyed it I have a friend who has volunteered at the local shelter and I know a bit of what you muat see on a daily basis although she is at the one that picks up any and all strays It is heartbreaking to hear the stories
                      Well anyhow just a line to say thanks
                                          Vicki (smilin' forever)


       48.  Mistified - Friday, January 04, 2008 -

Hi Lonza this is Mistified VU host..Just wanted to let you know I Loved your site..Thank you for sharing it with me..Keep up the good work, Loved you abc story lol


       49.  Joe - Thursday, February 14, 2008

Hi was into your site liked it a lot, keep up the good work.
Here is a picture of my dog Tiny she is a Jack Russell Terrier.

That is my Granddaughter in the pic too.Notice Alabama Fan.

Sometimes she gets in my chair when she wants me to play with her


       50.  Jeff - Thursday, March 20, 2008

Hi Lonza

This is BOWHUNTRR from Pachisi. I came here to check out your site and see what ya had on here. Its pretty cool! I loved your writings, you put things into words in a common sense way which is a rare things these days:) Keep up the good work and I will say a prayer for you, be strong in your faith and humble in your heart. Just remember:

J=Jesus First
O=Others Second
Y=Yourself Last



       51.  Lopez - Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Lonza, Its me jlopez5007, Love you site!!

Enjoyed talking in pachisi and can't wait to read more from you!!! Hope you and yours are all well and take care!!

see you soon in pachisi *Hugs*


      52.  Jo-Lynn - Tuesday, July 22, 2008 -

Oh, Lonza...

I read Bogart's page, as your title page bossed me to do... I am so deeply moved as I relate to the lost felt when one of our fur friends leave us! We lost Oliver after only 4 years and were devastated... I can't imagine a 16 year relationship! What a moving tribute to Bogart... it is so evident that you and James love him dearly.... these humble animals probably have no idea how much they enrich our lives! Thank you for sharing!

I think you should go and get some journalism courses under you belt! You are definitely a talented writer! I enjoy your conversational style! You should at least write a book and give ol' Erma Bombeck a run for her money--- whaddya think?

Your friend, Jo-Lynn (aka Liebling)


       53.  Vicky - Thursday, October 09, 2008 -

Lonza, what a great site you have. I think you have such a great personality, and it shows in your site. I enjoy you at the gamesite. Always having fun and laughing, and bringing that to others. Your names, are great, and they make me laugh every time. Thank you for allowing  and sharing, your site with me. I enjoyed it all, from the pets, to the 9/11 pages, all of it. Keep up the great work. Catch you in chisi, whatever name you are under. lol tc hugggsss



       54.  Hollie - Sunday, December 21, 2008 -

Hey I finally got the time to stop bye and read your web site. I really like it. I read the page about Bogart and cried like a fool. lol I remember playing with him in the middle of your living room floor. He all ways reminded me of his mother Pepper and I cried like a fool when she died too..lol I miss that dog..Any way I love you and I love the web site. Hope to see you Christmas at mother and daddys

LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!



       55.  Pam - Saturday, September 04, 2010 -

Lonza, I really enjoyed your site. Some of your stories brought laughter (your experiences with the computer) and tears (Bogart). Look forward to even more great readings.



       56.  Shannon - Friday, February 18, 2011 -

Thank You for showing me your website. I found it very cute. I was really sad when I read about your dog Bogart. I know it is very hard to lose a pet when they are part of your family. I am an animal lover myself and I get sad and I tear up when I read about animals being abused or left for dead.

I also want to thank you for being a a very good friend to me the past few weeks and I hope we continue to be friends for many years to come. I think it would be great when I get back home to Montgomery to go get some coffee and just sit and chat for awhile.

I am thankful for finding a friend that believes in the same things with our military. As you already know I am a military wife of a SST in the Air Force, which he is serving our great nation in Afghanistan, which in my opinion we do not belong there. I do pray that he comes home to me and his little baby girl safe. I know he was less then 2 weeks left, but I still pray every night he comes home.

Thank you Lonza for being a good friend to me. I am so happy that I have a great friend to talk to.

Love your new friend.



       57.  Timothy - Friday, December 07, 2012 -

This web site is wonderful...I really want to know how did you gather those idea and began to make pet feel them and from this web site someone is able to create am Animal firm that will motivate other people .

Thanks for your good Job.

From: Timothy

your internet son


       58.  Terri - Saturday, June 04, 2016 -

Hi Lonza,

I met you a couple of days ago on Pogo playing Yahtzee. You entertained me and made me laugh. You helped me to forget about my life and problems. For just those short minutes I could forget all the daily struggles I have.. You have such a good heart in wanting to make the world a better place. I hope you stay on this path in your life as you bring sunshine to people who a dark cloud hanging over their heads. thank you for being you.



"Bye! Bye!"